Molex Visited St. Nicholas’ Home
18 November 2021 – The staff members from Molex visited St. Nicholas’ Home, Penang and met Ms. Carmen Chew, the Acting General Manager of our Home and two of her colleagues. They visited our Pastry Centre, Wellness Centre, and basketry showroom, even purchasing baskets that were made by our blind and visually impaired trainees. They then presented a cheque for RM8,000 to our Acting General Manager and had some refreshments, which were prepared by our staff at the dining hall. Molex has been collaborating with St. Nicholas’ Home, Penang since 2019. The firm not only assisted us financially, but their staff members also organized and participated in some activities with our residents and trainees. They even organised virtual events for our home in 2020, due to the pandemic. St. Nicholas’ Home would like to thank Molex profusely for their continuous support of the blind and visually impaired residents in the Home.