Project Description
Provide clinical sessions and offer assistive device
Low vision is the reduction of visual function which cannot be corrected by glasses, lenses and even after treatment and surgery. A person with low vision has the visual acuity less than 6/18 to light perception or visual field less than 10 degrees from the point of fixation. Generally, they can have problems such as field loss, cloudy or blur vision or combination of both.
However, with just a simple modification and adaption, a person with low vision can improve his/her mobility and independence.
Low Vision Centre (LVC) in St. Nicholas’ Home offers services such as assessment and eye screening, prescription of optical and non-optical visual aids, referral for rehabilitation and other resources. These services are available for anyone with a serious visual impairment which affects daily activities either at home, school or work. Our clinical sessions are being carried out by monthly basis. These clinical sessions are conducted by professional Optometrist from Penang General Hospital where selected Low Vision clients go through visual assessment and evaluation and to monitor their eye condition. These clients will be prescribed with Low Vision devices or further referral for medical attention and rehabilitation.
St Nicholas’ Home, Penang is a non-profit charitable organization, which aims to respond to the evolving needs of blind and visually impaired (BVI) community in Malaysia, irrespective of their religion, race and background.