SNH 100th Year History Project Meeting
SNH 100th Year History Project meeting was called and the Home invites former Nicholites, past members of the Board of Directors and ex-staff for attending the meeting.
The main purpose of this meeting was to discuss a project on writing a book on the history of SNH from the perspective of former Nicholites. The book would not be the usual history book but one that reflect the BVIs, and the BVIs would have to take ownership of the project to share and document their experience to showcase to the world.
The first edition of the book using the narrative approach shall contain stories (including pictures) from former Nicholites on their SNH experience – the fun, laughter and tears of that part of their lives spent at SNH, and would be timed for release at SNH’s 95th anniversary in September 2021.
Further, SNH would be celebrating its 100th year anniversary in 2026, it would be a timely start to organize, preserve and provide access to information, documents, photographs and so forth that have accumulated over the course of the Home’s one hundred years to show its role and function.